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Colour and light complement one another, they live in symbiosis with every aspect of daily life. The analysis and sensing of the colour element is done with the help of tools that basically need a very specific light source and frequency.


Certain tools could be used to define colour in a room, but this would not correspond to the real perception of the colours. Colours vary according to their juxtaposition with other colours and light sources, with the textures that surround them, etc… Many elements influence our perception of colour. With proper lighting, our eyes are able to see the chromatic differences. If a multi-coloured room were to be illuminated with a red light, all of the objects and surfaces within it would appear with an accentuated red chromatic component and radically change the perceived reality of the material that makes up the components which define the room. When planning colour schemes, we must keep in mind what we want for our clients. Colour enhances feelings, emotions (positive and negative ones), whether the project is aimed at the industrial design market or is for an architectural project. The main purpose of the colour workshop, organised by the design department of the Milan Polytech, is to spread awareness of the culture of colour and, specifically, the effect it can have on the psycho-cognitive aspect of the human being.   Diapositiva6

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