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Glass for Europe, the trade association of Europe’s manufacturers of building, automotive and solar-energy glass, has launched a communication campaign to support the development of an EU energy label for windows. Assuming that the 85% of the glass parts of the buildings in Europe is energy inefficient and that at least 1 billion of new windows will be installed between now and 2030 in the Old Continent, the association said that energy labelling has demonstrated to be among the most efficient EU tools to help consumers make informed choices.

en_label01The energy label will be built taking into account a number of factors such as the exchange of air between the interior and exterior, natural light, sound insulation, the summer comfort, all based on different climate zones in Europe. The classical label energy efficiency scale (from A to G with colors from green to red) would provide the consumer a simple and clear information, offering also an important indication of the effect of the building’s energy efficiency.

The campaign, built around a two-minute video clip, a specific website and the hashtag #Label4Windows is online:

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