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Urban redevelopment, neighborhood life, interpersonal relationships, retraining suburbs with efficient and sustainable projects: these are the guidelines of the next edition of the Solar Decathlon 2014, planned in June at Versailles. They are the same lines which have guided the project presented by Università degli studi Roma Tre and the team led by the architect Chiara Tonelli.

RhOME for denCity4RhOME for denCity is a multilevel building, efficient and sustainable. The structure is made with wooden panels: lightweight, easy to carry and resistant to earthquakes. The wood is even more difficult to dissipate excess heat. Inside the cavities of walls metal tubes filled with sand are placed as thermal shock. This system can adjust the room temperature.

RhOME for denCity2Flexible photovoltaic solar panels were integrated into the shade marquees of the lodges, the same that are used on sailboats. The building was isolated with an outer coat that surrounds and protects the house to minimize energy consumption.

RhOME for denCity
produces more than it consumes: it has energy performance almost 8 times higher than those of a C energy class building and one and a half times higher than those of an A + energy class one. The project was designed for a “dense” town, as the name implies. The house will produce energy for the area where it will be built.

RhOME for denCityFinally, the designers decided to develop a technological heart: a centre with all necessary technologies, from which the entire building will be checked. A smart choice that reduces construction time.

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