A private redevelopment project that wanted to unite contemporary functionality and charm of unspoiled nature. An existing pre cottage…
Which is the most green Italian region? Needless to say, it is Trentino Alto Adige. In fact this is the first place region in 2013 Edition of the Green economy, edited by Fondazione Impresa, a studies association about small Italian companies. The ranking is compiled on the basis of 21 performance indicators, covering energy, organic companies and products, agriculture, tourism, construction, mobility and waste disposal. First place Trentino Alto Adige, which has a strong posting on all the other Italian regions, is not surprising, because in this territory some “German” green policies have been developing for more than twenty years.
Trentino Alto Adige
Beyond the absolute value of this classification and the criteria chosen, what emerges clearly is the weight of the various factors that determine the development of green economy.
First, there is the territory, which theoretically benefits central-southern regions with an agricultural economy and an important rural tourism offer; but the northern regions have distinct advantage in sectors such as construction, thanks to rules on tax deductions for energy upgrading of buildings.
Museo Muse, Trentino Alto Adige
Not to forget is the relationship between land and development regulations: in these terms the eternal contradictions of our South remain.
Campania and Sicily, two regions that have an extraordinary potential for green economy to last are ranked, penalized not only from serious problems such as those that relate to the disposal of waste, but also by the lack of policies for simplification and incentive of the more innovative sectors.
In summary, the green economy cannot be invented, or occurs spontaneously. The riches of the territory, the cultural changes, new business ideas, should be favoured, encouraged and protected with consistent rules and far-sighted policies.
To read the complete leaderboard www.fondazioneimpresa.it