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By Design or by disaster 2016 is the theme of the Conference organised by 2 to 7 may by the Faculty of Design and art at the free University of Bolzano. Workshops and open meetings with faculty members to design and international experts deal with the theme of design and eco-social communication on sustainability.


At the heart of the initiative a reflection on the role that design and communication may have to change lifestyles and direct consumption and behaviour towards sustainability. In this sense, the Conference aims, in addition to theoretical, even to identify practical solutions.


“The Conference will focus on the study of best practices of sustainability, but also their weaknesses,” says professor Kris Krois, organizer of the Conference “we will try to figure out, with the help of invited speakers, the most effective strategies to lead us towards a sustainable economy and culture”.


Among the guests of meetings of 6 and 7 may, Ezio Manzini lecturer at Politecnico di Milano, at the University of the Arts in London and at Tongji University in Shanghai, promoter of the Global Network on Design for Sustainability, an international network of schools of design for sustainability and social innovation and Fuad-Luke, former Professor of Aalto University in Finland and now a Professor of Design Research at the ateneo Bolzano , author of texts as Design Activism or The Eco-Design Handbook.

in the pictures the 2015 Edition of the Conference
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