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The Good Design Awards 2016, industrial design award awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum, goes to Matteo Ragni. Already awarded the AlumniPolimi Award winner by 2015, the good designer wins for the project HUB, customizable and configurable work station based on their own needs.

Is a very interesting product for those who make spaceplanning offices because it is not a desk, but a mini architecture-tells-integrated light, shelf, drawers, and other details. Now they call it furnitecture: a marriage between furniture and architecture

ragni_hub_FBHub was produced by Fantoni, which says:

The project was born from the need to recreate a physical and mental space within a work place inhabited by different individuals. A space that was open and at the same time promote the sharing and exchange of ideas, but also a place for reflection and individual work. A sort of box with no walls favouring an osmotic size of relating with the space and people. A workplace relationships, daughter of that cabin that Bruno Munari had envisioned to combine and scan the day’s activities of a teenage rest/game/learning/relationships.


By using a large square table, came up with the idea of creating a ‘ canopy ‘ table, a mini loft where work, rest, feeding on ideas, relationships and good food, in a Word, living space. So this little world side 160 cubic becomes a location ideal for relational needs, a kind of portal that allows us to collaborate with colleagues near and far.


Hub_matteo_ragni3Hub features a modular system, with a geometric structure built so that the frame can accommodate both independent workstation is multiple compositions. Natural finishes characterize the top, made with a plan ISB Particleboard formed by large particles.

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Hub is an area without borders, with sketchy edges by people, their skills and actions.

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